A Q&A with Slapz
5th January 2023
With just over a week to go until the Season 2 finale, PLB Weekly has a bumper article for all you bowlheads. We have spent the past 6 months reaching out to PLB's hardest pin slapper for comment and, miraculously, Davie Slapz has finally come forward for an intimate sit down with our very own Guhtter Bawl.
It can only be described as a disastrous season for Riders and a mighty fall from grace for Slapz, so we're as surprised as you that the poweful pintsman sat down for an open and honest interview. Read on for Slapz inside scoop.
Q. Slapz, I’m going to bowl right in at the deep end – what’s gone wrong this season?
Personally it’s been a tough season for me. For numerous reasons I’ve not been slapping the pins like I am known for. As reigning champions of PLB, it was always going to be difficult to retain the title as you are the team to beat. However, that’s not an excuse, we simply have not been good enough this season and I am certainly one of the reasons for the despicable fall in Riders form.
Q. Yes, you mention your own personal standard – the stats do not look pretty.
Depends what stats you are looking at pal - shirt sales? Think you’ll find they are looking very pretty. Last time I checked not a single Pinetti top had been ordered as no one knows which PLB superstars mate he is. However, I do agree that on the lanes I have too often this season not been throwing the balls where the pins are and this doesn’t bode well in this sport. The first lesson I ever learned on the alley was throw the ball at the pins - if you can’t do that, the pins rarely fall.
Q. Do you think it was partly down to your overwhelming success in Season 1?
I think it certainly plays a part. It was difficult at the start of the season for us coming off the back of a maiden title and newfound fame within the bowling community – I maybe struggled with that initial change in life and took Season 2 not as seriously as I should have due to my love of pints and potential arrogance of Riders superiority. I think it also doesn’t help when your loyalty starts to get questioned.
Q. You mention your loyalty being questioned? What do you mean?
Well, Guhtter, as you well know the rumours regarding my loyalty to Riders and over a possible transfer to Pinter Milan has not been easy on me. I couldn’t go out without a fan/journalist/fellow player pestering me for an answer regarding my rumoured switch across the lanes. I mean is it too much to ask to be able to go watch Hibernian U12’s in peace without being pestered about the stripes on your shirt next season?! However, I’ll use this interview to settle the debate once and for all – I despise Pinter Milan and will never bowl for them. Nor will I ever bowl for the ‘party boys’ PCR.
Q. It sounds like you’re quite riled up Slapz, do you feel your reputation has been damaged this season?
Quite frankly, yes. People need to remember I am a PLB champion - something those Pinter lot are yet to be able to claim. Yes, they will be champions by the end of the month and once they are maybe I will start to respect some of them. However, I think I would ask for some performance testing to be undertaken on certain individuals in the team given their sudden rise in performance and historic social tendencies.
Q. That’s a very serious allegation you’re making there Slapz. Can you elaborate for us?
Look, Guhtter, I am not going on record saying anything as fact. But if you look at the rises in performances of certain players – I won’t say any names but lets say Player BTM for anonymity, you have to ask yourself what is going on off the lanes – something just doesn’t smell right to me. However, that’s all I’ll say on the matter.
**PLB Fact Checker - No comment**
Q. Ok we’ll move on from that then. Is there anyone in the bowling world you would compare yourself to?
Not really, no one slapz a ball like Slapz. If I had to compare myself to anyone, I would say I am the Almiron of the bowling world – came with a lot of hype and a big fee, delivered at first before fading into the background to only go on to become a driving force once again. He may kick it and I may throw it, but we have a lot in common.
Q. Thanks Slapz. And finally, what are your expectations for next season?
To be honest, I just want to put this season behind me and be the best bowler I can for the Rohirrim and regain what is rightfully ours. Our team is packed with talented bowlers and pintsmen, the latter often being our downfall due to our superior love of pints. I will also give a huge shoutout for the welcome return of The Don who was dearly missed this season. I think it’s also worth mentioning that Moz ‘Moz’ Moz is having a very strong season on loan in the Dutch third league and will be a solid option for the Riders next season when he is available.
Wow. Signs of mental health struggles and some serious allegations but an unwavering commitment to his team. The Rohirrim will be chanting Slapz for years to come. Bring on Friday 13th. A bad, bad day to be a pin.
Back to you in the studio.